For most of the people, today is the celebration of our Independence but for me and my family, this more than that, today is my father's birthday. I remember how papa would celebrate his birthday yearly, lots of foods, lots of guests and i mean a lot. In one of his celebration I was the one who cooked, a set of 10-12 menus if I'm not mistaken, good for 150-200 guests. His last birthday he celebrated it at our resort in Cavite, amazingly, almost all of his friends came not minding how far the location was. It turned out that it was his last birthday celebration, maybe God made it so special because it will be his last. A lot of people felt bad with papa's sudden death. He was a good man, a man with a kind heart especially for those who are in need. During his wake, we occupied the biggest chapel at Arlington and every night, the chapel and the lobby was filled with papa's friends. On our way to Holy Cross for the interment, friends from one street where papa grew up and has helped a lot of people requested that we passed by that place, we were surprised to see a streamer hanging on the street that says "Boss Bobot Mahal Ka Naming Lahat".Everyone in the coaster burst into tears upon reading it. We didn't know he has touched so much lives there, that those people loved him that much because of his good heart.
We still celebrate his birthday, usually we'll gather some friends and relatives and have dinner together. Mama still cries whenever we talk about papa, I still do.
I miss you so much, ours wasn't the ideal father and daughter relationship but I love you so much and I hope I was able to let you feel that when you were here with us. I miss cooking for you, I miss those criticisms you were giving if you didn't like what I prepared for you, I've learned a lot from it. I'm a better cook now and I owe it to you. You're only grand daughter is growing so fast, I'm sure if you were still here with us you'd get her from us often coz you miss having a baby in the house. I love you pa.
Happy Birthday!
It's always a wonder to see how many lives someone you has touched that even in death, he is remembered and honored. He is in a better place now because of his good heart, Mommy Len. :)
Happy Birthday to your Papa.
your post made me miss my Dad too. he passed away some 11 months ago. :( and coincidence because like your Papa, my Dad's birth month is also June (June 3 to be exact).
i can so relate with how much you missed your Papa. no matter how many months or years it may be, the feeling of longing for him esp. on the downtimes just keeps haunting us so bad.
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