Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movie Tag

Rules of this Tag:

1. Link back the person who tagged you and write what was the movie his/her family enjoyed watching recently.

2. Now your turn to tell about the movie your family had just watched.

3. Tell something about the movie and spoilers are accepted (hehehee).

4. Lastly, write anything that has something to do with movies: Trivia, your top choice or favorites and why, your family's story about your favorite motion pictures, the first film you watched with your husband, any traditional film the family 's keeping etc...etc...

5. Copy and paste the rules of this meme on your blog and pass the tag to as many friends, bloggers and movie lovers you want. Don't forget to tell them they're tagged and leave a comment here if you're done with the task.

Got this movie tag from Christianne. They recently watched Bambi. To limit Annika from watching too much tv they let her watch Dora or Blues Clues, she seems to love watching films with animals in it. If there's a film that you may call her favorite, it is Bambi.

The Last full-length movie we watched with the princess was Bee Movie, at first she was a bit scared coz she thought it's like Monsters Inc. (yeah, she got really scared at that film) but I assured her that it wasn't a scary film then she started focusing on it and later on I noticed she's becoming enthusiastic about it. In the middle of the film she started asking why's about the bees. Hubby and I found this film entertaining and the realization Barry had between the balance in nature is the one thing I liked in it.

The last few movies we watched were the following;

I AM LEGEND - I am a bit disappointed in this film maybe because I have high expectations the moment I saw the trailer. I thought it's almost the same as 28 Days Later (with a sequel of 28 Weeks Later), the infected turned into a monstrous creature who's survival lies on feeding humans. It's quite okay though in the case of suspenseful competence, one scary sequence was when Will Smith followed his dog into a warehouse which turned out to be the place where the infected stays while the sun is still up.

NATIONAL TREASURES - This movie is fun. I enjoyed the intellectual puzzle solving in it and the chase between Mitch Wilkinson and Ben Gates. The film did a fine job of making you feel like you were along for the ride, and on that level it really worked. I especially liked Riley, Ben's sidekick (played by Justin Bartha) who played the typical adventurers of a sidekick, but a little more substantial than that as well.

P.S. I LOVE YOU - I've read this book before and I was so excited to see the film. Of course I liked the book more than the film because they obviously couldn't be as detailed as the book. Just like when I was reading the book, I cried a lot in this film. Maybe because I was always putting myself in the shoes of Holly. Who wouldn't cry if your husband died at an early age and none of your dream as a married couple has happened yet.

VANTAGE POINT - The film stops and rewinds back to 20 minutes before the event for each character. It has a good puzzle and it delivers on all accounts. I love the twists and turns and I really enjoyed the suspense and intense action. Half way through this movie, if you think you got it all figured out, you will later find out that you haven't got a clue.

Finally, I'm tagging other people to do this meme... Kay, Jing, May & Lot.


Christianne said...

Thanks for doing the tag! Found I Am Legend disappointing too. Super hyped up kasi, but I thought the story was unoriginal so I didn't really enjoy it even if it was very well made, production-wise. Haven't watched the other movies yet :)

Mommy Len said...

You're welcome and I'm terribly sorry for the delay. I still owe you the interview, hubby can't stay long pa kasi in front of the computer but i'm always reminding him. sorry...

Lot said...

Hi Dear Len! I'm not done with my assignment yet although I will try my very best to catch up this week :-)