Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bringing My Passion To The Next Level

My growing passion for cooking made me decide to go into the next level, I'll be taking up formal classes in culinary. I'll start with the short course while waiting for the one to two year program to begin. I'm so glad when hubby gave me that opportunity to fulfill one of my greatest dream. I have some reservations though, it will affect my "mommy side". The princess will start on her first formal class and I'd like to be the one to prepare her before going to school. I wanted to be with her during the first week that I'll be allowed to stay in the school. I wanted to be the first person she'd see after class and I'd like to be there to ask how her class turned out. There's going to be a problem about this because both classes (mine and the princess') will start on the same date, my time is from 7:00am to 4:00pm while hers will be from 8:00 to 11:00am. I have another option, that is to take the August class for me to be there for her at least for two months, by that time I start with my class, she's adjusted to her new environment. Hubby thought I am wasting time by delaying my enrollment, I didn't want to disappoint him because he's been very supportive but I told him I can't concentrate in class if he'll push me to start on June coz I'll feel so guilty about not being there for my daughter on an important event in her life. I don't know if delaying it would be a right decision but I know I'll be very happy to witness another "first" in my princess' life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's a compromise and if you explain it to hubby, he will surely understand. Ü

Great for you that you are able to fulfill your passion. I think right now I need to be practical before I can do that.