Friday, July 20, 2007

Raising A Bilingual Kid

When I was still conceiving with the princess, hubby and I decided that we will speak to her in English. Simply because we believe that it has it's advantage and we know for sure that her, learning the Filipino language will come naturally. True enough, she can understand and speak Filipino as well because her yaya and my in-laws speaks to her in Filipino. I was happy that she can understand both languages because we know she will benefit from it.

I heard a friend's story about her daughter whom they trained to strictly speak in English language, is now having a hard time in school specifically in her Filipino Subject. The other day, when I brought the princess to her pedia for a regular check up, I noticed one mommy lecturing her daughter some Filipino words. The little girl was obviously having a hard time. When I talked to the mom, she said that her daughter's having a hard time in her Filipino subject.

I think teaching my princess both Filipino and English language will be beneficial to her. When she started attending classes at Gymboree, she didn't have a hard time following instructions given in English. Now I am sure the her learning our native language will give her an easier time when she started going to classes with Filipino subject. Not to mention we are Filipinos and she should learn to speak and understand the language.

I noticed lately she was playing with some words both in English and Filipino. It was raining in the afternoon and she called my attention saying; "mom, tam i show you, dey is baby dey outside (mom, come i'll show you, there is baby there outside)". I told her it's impossible coz it's raining and she tried to convince me by saying "tam, look dey baby o, bata, baby, bata, see dey? (come, look there, baby o)". And while she was playing with her kitchen set, she said "mommy, mo more chichen toy you, la na o, mo more na (mommy, no more chicken for you, la na o, no more na)". And sometimes when she's saying "stop", she would also say "wag".

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